HomCloud Benchmarks

This document shows the benchmark scores of HomCloud. Computation times and maximal memory usages for persistence diagram computation are measured by time -v command. The benchmark results of the inverse analysis are also shown.

PC spec and OS are as follows:

A persistence diagram is computed on a single core. Parallel computing is not used. The time and memory is measured only one time, and the result of this document is not the average time and memory.

Alpha filtration from 3D pointcloud

Each point is randomly drawn from a uniform distribution on (-1,1)^3.

Periodic alpha filtration from 3D pointcloud

Each point is randomly drawn from a uniform distribution on (-1,1)^3.


In HomCloud, alpha filtration is computed using the CGAL library. A PD is calculated using PHAT.

3D Bitmap

The following two types of data were used for 3D data. One is that each voxel value is random, and the sublevel persistence diagram is computed. The other is the data obtained by distance transform. The data by distance transform is more ordered than the random voxel value data, and the order makes the computation faster.

Levelset persistence diagram from random voxel data

Distance transform data


The algorithm for computing the PD from 2D/3D bitmap is separated into the homccube3 library.


A point cloud in 10-dimensional Euclidean space is randomly uniformly generated and distance matrix with Euclidean distance is computed.


Ripser is used in HomCloud.

Benchmark code
