Source code for homcloud.py3dmolhelper

import numpy as np
import numbers

def ary2v3(ary):
    return {"x": ary[0], "y": ary[1], "z": ary[2]}

[docs] def add_edges(view, edges, color, radius, alpha=1.0): """ Add edges to py3dmol view. Args: view (py3Dmol.view): Py3Dmol's view object edges (list[list[list[float]]]): List of edges color (str): Name of color radius (float): Radius of the cylinders alpha (float): Alpha value (1.0: opaque, 0.0: transparent) Returns: None """ assert isinstance(color, str) assert isinstance(radius, numbers.Real) assert isinstance(alpha, numbers.Real) for edge in edges: view.addCylinder( {"start": ary2v3(edge[0]), "end": ary2v3(edge[1]), "color": color, "radius": radius, "alpha": alpha} )
[docs] def add_surface(view, triangles, color, alpha=1.0): """ Add surface (triagnles) to py3dmol view. Args: view (py3Dmol.view): Py3Dmol's view object triangles (list[list[list[float]]]): List of triangles color (str): Name of color alpha (float): Alpha value (1.0: opaque, 0.0: transparent) """ assert isinstance(color, str) assert isinstance(alpha, numbers.Real) for cell in triangles: normal = ary2v3(np.cross(np.array(cell[1]) - cell[0], np.array(cell[2]) - cell[0])) view.addCustom( { "vertexArr": [ary2v3(cell[0]), ary2v3(cell[1]), ary2v3(cell[2])], "normalArr": [normal, normal, normal], "faceArr": [0, 1, 2], "color": color, "alpha": alpha, } )