Source code for homcloud.interface.bitmap_optimal_1_cycle

import homcloud.pict.optimal_one_cycle as pict_opt1cyc
import homcloud.paraview_interface as pv_interface
import homcloud.plotly_3d as p3d

[docs] class BitmapOptimal1Cycle(object): """The class represents an optimal (not volume-optimal) 1-cycle for bitmap. Computing volume-optimal cycle is very expensive for 3-D and higher dimensional cubical filtration. To fight against such a huge filtration, :meth:`Pair.optimal_1_cycle` is available. This method returns an instance of this class. """ def __init__(self, orig): self.orig = orig
[docs] def birth_time(self): """ Returns: float: The birth time. """ return self.orig.birth_time
[docs] def death_time(self): """ Returns: float: The death time. """ return self.orig.death_time
[docs] def birth_position(self): """ Returns: tuple of float*N: The coordinate of birth position. (N: dimension) """ return self.orig.path[0]
[docs] def path(self): """ Returns the path (loop) of the optimal 1-cycle. The first item and the last item is the same as :meth:`birth_position`. Returns: list of coord: The list of vertices of the loop ordered by the path """ return self.orig.path
[docs] def boundary_points(self): """ Returns: list of coord: The list of vertices in the loop. Any vertex in the list is unique. """ return self.orig.boundary_points()
[docs] def to_paraview_node(self, gui_name=None): """ Construct a :class:`homcloud.paraview_interface.PipelineNode` object to visulize an optimal 1-cycle. You can show the optimal 1-cycle by :meth:``. You can also adjust the visual by the methods of :class:`homcloud.paraview_interface.PipelineNode`. Args: gui_name (string or None): The name shown in Pipeline Browser in paraview's GUI. Returns: homcloud.paraview_interface.PipelineNode: A PipelineNode object. """ return self.to_paraview_node_for_1cycles([self], gui_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_paraview_node_for_1cycles(cycles, gui_name=None): """ Construct a :class:`homcloud.paraview_interface.PipelineNode` object to visulize multiple optimal 1-cycles. Args: cycles (list of :class:`Optimal1CycleForBitmap`): The optimal 1-cycles to be visualized. gui_name (string or None): The name shown in Pipeline Browser in paraview's GUI. Returns: homcloud.paraview_interface.PipelineNode: A PipelineNode object. """ drawer = pict_opt1cyc.prepare_drawer_for_paraview(len(cycles)) for i, cycle in enumerate(cycles): cycle.orig.draw(drawer, i, str(i)) f = pv_interface.TempFile(".vtk") drawer.write(f) f.close() return pv_interface.VTK(, gui_name, f).set_representation("Wireframe")
to_pvnode = to_paraview_node to_pvnode_for_1cycle = to_paraview_node_for_1cycles
[docs] def to_plotly3d_trace(self, color=None, name=""): """ Constructs a plotly's trace object to visualize the optimal 1-cycle Args: color (string or None): The name of the color name (string): The name of the object Returns: plotly.graph_objects.Mesh3d: Plotly's trace object """ return p3d.Voxels(self.path(), color, name)
to_plotly3d = to_plotly3d_trace
[docs] def to_pyvista_mesh(self): """ Constructs a PyVista's mesh object to visualize the optimal 1-cycle Returns: pyvista.PolyData: PyVista's mesh object """ import homcloud.pyvistahelper as pvhelper return pvhelper.SparseVoxels(self.path())